Mangorolla is an anagram of Gallomanor.

We are a Community Interest Company limited by Guarantee set up to deliver excellent public engagement projects. We’re the Gallomanor team running the “I’m a…” stable of projects but set up to improve our governance and provide access to a wider range of partners and funders.

We aim to help organisations connect with the communities with whom they need to be in conversation. We have a strong, but not exclusive focus on education and reaching school students.

Our work tends to be online. It’s our speciality and allows us to scale up our excellent work both nationally and internationally.

Here are some examples:

We are fussy about who we work with. Our clients and funders tend to have a strong civic purpose. They range from the Charitable, like the Wellcome Trust and Comic Relief, to the Learned such as UCL, Royal Academy of Engineering, Institute of Physics and Royal Society of Chemistry, and include organisations such the STFC, BBSRC, Home Office and DfID, and 80 local authorities. We also receive funding from private sector companies such as Nelson Thornes and Western Power Distribution. Finally an increasing proportion of our income comes from abroad through projects funded by Science Foundation Ireland, Akademi Sains Malaysia and Bridge8 pty in Australia.

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